Sunday, February 22, 2009


What is your Full Name ?

Ahmad Firdaus Bin Fauzi

Your Nickname?

How old are you?
masih 21 tahun

When is your birthday?

Where are you now?
Bangi yang wangi

What is the Time Now?

Do you have soulmate? If yes what is her/his name? If No... who will be your soulmate?
yup....insya allah...i ll anounce later =D

Where is your cell phone now?
in front me

The number that you really + most hate?

What is your most favourite colour?
Blue,orange?balck..depend on mood

Are you a Smoker?

Assume you get RM1 Million, what you would like to do? List Minimum 5 points.
1.setelkan hutang loan PTPTN
2.beli rumah,kereta,pastu baru sedap nak gi masuk meminang anak dara org..
3.dermakan pada yang memerlukan
4.bantu ahli keluarga
5.beli apa2 yg nak dibeli masa tyme2 xde duit dulu2

Do you like chewing Gum?
boleh la...

List 3 wishes that you want too in your life
1. suksess
2. better future
3. balas jasa orang tua

What are you did last 1 hour ago?
menjadi manager in FM

Motorcycle or Car? Why?

Ship or Airplane? Why?
air plane...sebab ada pramugari

Do you think that you are good enough?
not yet...kerna aku hanya manusia biasa...tapi selalu mencoba untuk menjadi yg terbaik (ayat skema)

Are you happy now?
happy jugak,tapi memikirkan soal tugasan kuliah,makanya ada kureng sikit...

State one word ONLY which describe about your personality?
kerren =P

Please describe about the person who tagged you.
memiliki mobil satria kaler merah...baik2 aja..peka pada isu2 semasa...

What do you want to do after finish this note?

Who will be tag after this?
the zul
tun mahahitr (nak ke beliau layan)
mira zain
budak hijau
gagak di rimba


mira zin said...

eeeyyy..mira zin la....bukan zain.....

THE ZUL said...

aku hampir pengsan...
stelah melihat anda mengeTAG mahathir

diLa said...

mak datuk.
nk nek airplane sbb ade pramugari. lah lelaki.!;p

tepung-gomak said...

mira zin--
sorry dik..hihihih...jgn marah yer..

the zul--
yela,beliaukan dah berusia,masa zaman dulu mana beliau pernah main tag

ape plak..kalu ada pramugari leh dia tolong2 aku..kalu kapal ship mana ada kemudhaan camtu..kan2

nisa ~ shasha said...

apsl ko, dila n mohfir dpt 1juta tros nk kawen ni?
aq konpius!

tepung-gomak said...

aku bukan TERUS...aku beli pape2 dulu...hihihih

Anonymous said...

erm...suke pramugari laa? oke2...